Used Car Misconceptions

Used cars can be an effective option for those that are looking to upgrade or replace their current vehicle. While purchasing a used car can be an extremely useful option, there are people that will fail to adequately review this option for any number of reasons, but a lack of accurate information is one of the more common factors:

Myth: Buying A Used Car Is A Waste Of Money

There is a common assumption that a used vehicle will be far less reliable than a new one. As a result, individuals will often assume that buying this type of vehicle will be a waste of money as the car will be unreliable or require major repairs. Yet, this does not have to be the case. In fact, if you purchase your vehicle from a reputable dealership, it should have undergone a thorough inspection so that major mechanical problems are repaired, and there will likely be a dealer's warranty in the event that the vehicle does encounter mechanical problems.

Myth: Financing The Purchase Of A Used Car Will Be More Difficult

For many people, the only way that they will be able to afford this purchase will be through the use of a loan or other financing. Unfortunately, there are many people that may make the assumption that lenders are hesitant about loaning for a used car purchase. However, the process of applying for this type of financing will be identical to financing a new car. Interestingly, you may find that it is easier for you to obtain financing for a used car as it will have a much lower value.

Myth: It Is Never A Good Deal To Trade In Your Older Car

Coming up with the down payment for this purchase can be one of the more challenging aspects of buying a car. While there are many dealerships that will accept the value of a trade towards your down payment, you may assume that trading in your old car will always be a bad deal. Often, this belief stems from the assumption that an individual buyer will always pay more. While this may be true in some situations, there is no guarantee of this and it will take far longer to do than trading the vehicle. In fact, dealerships can often offer much higher trade values for old cars due to manufacturer's buyback programs. These programs allow car manufacturers to purchase older vehicles so that they can remove them from the used market as a way of spurring new car sales.

Contact a company like Car Craft Auto Sales, Inc. for more information and assistance.
